How to Find the Perfect Music Manager for You

When it comes to expanding your team, one of the first roles you’ll want to fill is your manager. Why? Besides acting as your main consultant when searching for the remaining members of your team, such as a great agent, lawyer, label, etc., a manager advises you on nearly every business decision you make as an artist. 

Overall, this person is your right hand in almost all things, and thus will likely become a regular part of your personal life, too. He or she should be a networking pro and know how to work relationships to benefit you, your brand, and your music. 

That’s why it’s so important not to jump into the first deal with the first manager who approaches you or whom you find. Instead of resorting to “something is better than nothing,” take the time to find a manager who fits you and your goals and who is willing and genuinely excited to have you as a client.

What does a music manager do?

Defining a manager’s role is becoming more and more difficult for two reasons:

Managers take on much broader responsibilities these days, including roles of label, accountant, tour manager, sync agent, booker, and more, particularly in their early days working with an artist.

When do I need to get a music manager?

The barometer for finding a manager is pretty simple: Hire a manager when it’s worth paying someone a percentage of your income to perform those duties for you. Or, in other words, when you can no longer juggle all of your responsibilities and need to delegate to a team member.

How do I get a music manager?

Artists find managers a hundred different ways, whether through a mutual friend or fellow artist, by approaching someone from a distance, or by catching their eye with your music or live shows. If you’re going to start approaching potential managers, do your research, make sure they’re the right type of manager, and your music is up their alley. Make the approach personal. Sending out a mass mailer with links to your music is definitely not the best method.

Where do I start when I hire a music manager?

When starting to work with a manager, the most important things to work out are:

  1. What the manager’s role and responsibilities are
  2. The overall strategy for your career
  3. The terms of your working relationship

In the end, it’s important to remember that your manager will likely become not only your closest co-worker outside of your band but also one of your closest confidantes. Make sure you hold them to a high standard of trustworthiness and that their reputation checks out. Keeping an eye out for any red flags early on will help you avoid heartache and trouble down the road. With any luck, you’ll find the person to help you take your career to the next level and make a connection that lasts for years.

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